RCT is a technology company which offers the first economically viable and sustainable solution for waste tires. This technology coined “TRD” for Thermocatylitic Renewable Deploymerization, is a non-combustive sustainable process for recycling the constituents recovered from waste tires. Its fundamental capability is the recovery of a highly valuable and sustainable form of Renewable Carbon Black (RCB), but the most important feature of our process is the recovery of 98-99% of a waste tire!
Our vision is to be the most respected and dynamic supplier of renewable carbon black in the industry. To achieve this, RCT will work with its customers to develop new and innovative ways to replace or supplement virgin carbon black with our renewable carbon black.
RCT's Mobile Alabama facility offers four core services; waste tire collection, waste tire shredding, feed stock deploymerization, and carbon finishing. In all RCT will recycle over 45 tons of whole tires per day.
RCT's facility in Mobile, AL will recycle approximately 5,000 tires per day. The vast majority of our supply will be collected, but RCT's faciltiy is also open for drop off recycling. Pricing is by the ton.
RCT's tire shredding capabilties include whole tire, secondary, granulation, and powderizing. We offer a range of products from primary and secondary shreds to a variety of crumb rubbers.
RCT's facility will depolymerize 35 tons of waste tire feed stock per day.
Carbon finishing services include granulation and pelletizing.